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Jim's CDEFs v1.30
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Jim's CDEFs - Copyright © 1994 by James G. Stout
About Jims CDEFs…
If you have downloaded previous versions of this package, please read the
revision history at the bottom of this file, some minor but important
details have changed !!
Also, please read the license agreement in the "Conditions for use…"
document included with the package.
This is a collection of 10 CDEFs (Control Definitions) some bits of
source code to demo their use AND the source code for all of the CDEFs.
(If you are new to Mac programming, CDEFs are code resources that can just
be pasted into your project's resource file and used by your programs).
Jim Stout
November 1994
I can be reached electronically at:
Internet : JimS@WRQ.COM (work hours, PST)
AppleLink : WRQ (daily)
CompuServe : 73240,2052 (weekly or so)
AOL : JasG (weekly or so)
eWorld : Jim Stout (weekly or so)
The CDEFs or other code in this package may be incorporated in any freeware,
shareware, commercial or other software package, subject to the conditions in
the "License for Use" that accompanies this package.
The CDEFs in this package are:
procID Name Function
------ ----------- --------------------------------------------------------
100 GroupBox Titled box, text in upperleft
101 PopUp Menu System 7 style popup menu control for System 6 or 7
102 Spinner A "little arrows" control
103 Date & Time Date & Time control using "little arrows"
104 Tog Button New type of "one or many" control
105 HSlider Horizontal slider control
106 VSlider Vertical slider control
107* 3D Buttons 3d replacement for the standard button CDEF
108 Progress Bar A "thermometer" or "barber pole" progress indicator
109 TabPanel A "Tab Panel" control as in MSWord
* this CDEF has been renumbered to 0 in the xDEF.rsrc file
The source code for all of the CDEFs is included, and you can find
the CDEFs as code resources in file xDEF.rsrc. The cdefXXX π projects are
Think C 6.01, but should convert to 7.04 with no problems.
A set of standard #defines for variation codes etc. is provided in file
I have not built these on a Power Mac yet…
Also included is source for utility routines common to all of the CDEFs.
A test harness to allow source level debugging is also included. Rather
than take up the room for 10 test projects and code, there is only one - for
the 3D Button CDEF. Test projects for the other 9 is left to the reader as
a programming exercise.
This file is getting pretty long, it is divided into the following sections:
- Introduction
- Control Descriptions
CDEF details
- Variation codes & control size
- Non-standard control RefCon usage
- Non-standard control template usage
General information
- Using custom controls in a dialog
- Using custom controls in a window
- Colorizing Controls & Dialogs
- Changing the font in a Dialog
- Special popup menu notes
- About "TogButtons"
- About Tab Panels
- Revision history
A few months back I was reading the Human Interface volume of Inside Mac and it
struck me as funny that Apple refers to various controls (used throughout the
MacOS) as "not supported by the Toolbox". Controls like "little arrow"
controls used to set Date & Time, Memory etc., "Slider Controls" like those in
the Sound or Brightness control panels and a "Progress Bar" are simply are not
to be found in the Toolbox.
Apple simulates controls by displaying appropriate PICT's and handling mouse
events in a dialog filter (I think).
I realized that over the past couple of years, I had written some of those
controls (the rest are hot off my coding pad).
Two of the CDEFs, 104 "Tog Button" and 109 "TabPanel" are a little different.
This is explained below in the sections "About Tog Buttons" and "About Tab
All of these controls will work with System 6 or System 7 - the only caveats
- PopUpMenu control requires PopUpMenuSelect.
- TabPanel control requires AppendDITL etc. (System 6 with CTB or System 7)
- 32bit ColorQuickdraw v1.2 is required for any of the controls to draw
"3D" variants and to use the System 7 style gray when disabled.
I have tested them on machines from a MacPlus through a Power Mac 7100.
(Actually, I've tested these as far back as System 3.2 - I've gotta do
something with that original 128k Mac with MacPlus ROM's that is sitting in
the corner...)
All controls with titles honor the "useWindFont" variation code (to draw in a
non-System font) and if possible, the controls will honor control colors found
in 'cctb' resources.
The "3D Buttons" and "TabPanel" CDEFs will always use a "3D" effect if the
background color is non-white AND the control can draw itself in color.
This behavior cannot be overridden for these controls. Sorry.
As far as I can tell, the controls all handle low memory situations by
refusing to draw themselves. Let me know if you see any problems.
I have not written these to support non-roman script systems.
Other variation codes, sizes and non-standard control template values are
listed below.
Control Descriptions
Common features:
- color per 'cctb' resources.
- disable with "GrayishTextOr" effect under System 7.
- have an embossed, 3D variation.
- respect the "useWindFont" variation code (8).
- All control drawing is clipped to the control rect, so it should be
pretty obvious if you have a control rect that is too small.
NOTE: all of these controls rely on a private data structure stored in
the contrlData field of the control structure. Don't
use this field for your own use or unpredictable things
will happen.
Also, some of the controls look at the value of the refCon when
initializing to get some extra parameters.
If you want to place a value in the refCon for your program's use,
don't set it until AFTER you call NewControl or NewDialog and
the controls have been initialized. (The DateTime CDEF is a MAJOR
exception - see below - it uses the refCon for its "value" field.)
This control is pretty simple. It frames the control rect and places
the title in the upper left corner.
It can be used to logically group a series of related controls.
It does not respond to mouse clicks, it does have variation
codes for a dashed-line frame and a 3D effect.
To use this control, you have to play some games with the control
rect to keep it from overlaying other controls. Essentially, you
must set the control rect height to include ONLY the title and then
specify the true height of the control in the contrlMax field.
In response to an update event, you will need to call DrawControls or
Draw1Control for this control.
UpdtControls WILL NOT WORK !!!!
PopUp Menu
This control was written to replace both the System 6 & 7 versions of
the Apple CDEF 63.
Apple's CDEF has some problems - it behaves differently under System 6
and System 7. The System 6 version does not honor menus with icons,
requires a special variation code for color menus and has problems with
menus narrower than the control rect (when using the popupFixedWidth
variation code).
The System 7 version does not draw colored menus at all.
Neither version will work with a dynamically created menu.
You should be able to use this CDEF with the same parameters as the
Apple CDEF.
There are several enhancements explained in the section on Non-standard
control template usage and in the "Special popup menu notes" section.
The handle stored in the contrlData field is as documented by Apple
and can be used to retrieve the MenuHandle of the popup menu. See
IM VI and the jimsCDEF.h file.
This a control that "Apple never wrote". It allows for adjustment of
a numeric value via "little" arrows. The arrows can be vertical or
The default increment is 1, but this can be specified in the control
template in the refCon field. The control value will increment in
a "ballistic" manner - as the mouse button is held down, the increment
value will increase from 1 to 10 to 100 to 1000.
This CDEF can be "linked" to a dialog edit text item to update.
CDEFs cannot get keyDown events, so the trick here is to have the
CDEF update the edit text item. To do this, set the HiWord of
control refCon to a DITL editText item number to be updated. In
this case, set the LoWord of the refCon to the desired increment.
The calling program must take care of insuring that only digits
are typed into the edit text. ALSO, when the user types new
digits, the calling program must get the contents of the edit item,
convert it to a number and call SetCtlValue to let the control
know about the new value. Otherwise, the next click in the
control will wipe out the typed value.
The handle stored in the contrlData field is documented in the
jimsCDEF.h file. There is a "userData" field for your use.
PartCodes returned via TrackControl are :
2 - in up arrow
3 - in down arrow
(the control will have updated its value when TrackControl returns)
Date & Time
This is a control to adjust Date and/or Time values. Clicking on
a time or date component (month, hours, etc.) will highlight
those digits and show "little" arrows that can be used to adjust
the date or time value.
Variation codes can specify display of Date, Time, both, horizontal
or vertical display. The m/d/y order of the date will match what
the user has set in the Date & Time control panel. Leading zeros
are always drawn - it makes things a lot simpler for the CDEF.
Likewise, 12 or 24 hour time is taken from the system settings. To
force a 24 hour setting, pass a non-zero contrlMax in the control
template. To get a "3D" effect for the control title and arrows,
pass a non-zero contrlMin in the control template.
The "value" of the control is a DateTimeRec. Since this is a long,
it is stored in the contrlRfCon field, NOT in the contrlValue field
of the control record. So, rather than using GetCtlValue(), use
GetCRefCon() to access the control value.
There is no keyboard handling for setting date & time. CDEFs do
not have any mechanism for keyboard events. I think that this could
be done from a user program, but I'll leave that as an exercise for
those that need it.
(Hint, the contrlValue is always the highlighted digits field and you can
change the date & time shown by the control by setting a new DateTimeRec
into the control RefCon and drawing the control.)
Resetting the date and time requires the following:
SetCRefCon(hCtrl, secs);
Tog Button
This is explained in great detail below.
A "Tog" button is a diamond shaped control, a mix of CheckBox and
Radio button behavior. A group of these controls can have many
"on" members (like a checkbox), but must always have one member
that is "on" (like a radio button).
This file requires use of some support routines in TogLib.c that
must be called by your program.
Variation code 4 in the 3D Buttons control will have the same
This is an exact duplicate of the slider control in the Brightness
Control Panel.
Several variation codes are available to alter the appearance of
the control. See below or the demo program.
This and the VSlider control will call back to an "actionProc" if
one is set via SetCtlAction() and you call TrackControl with -1 as
the last parameter. This could be used to implement a "live"
display of the control value as the thumb is dragged around.
Part codes returned to TrackControl are :
1 - in "thumb"
2 - in "decrease"
3 - in "increase"
This is an exact duplicate of the slider control in the Sound
Control Panel.
Several variation codes are available to alter the appearance and
behavior of the control. See below or the demo program.
See notes above for "actionProc" & TrackControl issues.
3D Buttons
This is a pretty "bare bones" CDEF.
I'm including it more as a simple example CDEF than as a serious
replacement for the standard CDEF 0 (which supplies controls for check
boxes, radio buttons, push buttons). See develop issue 15 for a good
article about "Working in the third dimension" and 3D controls.
An addition is variation code 4 - in this control it supplies a
"Tog" button.
It provides 3D equivalent to the standard controls. The push
button variation is a square edged, raised button. Text is
It looks best on a background with rbg values of 0xCCCC.
Progress Bar
This is a control to provide a "thermometer" or "barber pole"
indicator. It can be used to display the progress of a long
running operation (like the thermometer in the "Copying file…"
alert. The "barber pole" variation can be used when the
operation is proceeding, but the end point is not known - like
searching for a series of files.
Variation codes can be used for horizontal, vertical, rectangular,
oval or barber pole indicators.
This too, is explained in great detail below.
This is a problematic control. It will be too "Windows-like" for
many. I wrote it to see if it could be done on the Mac after seeing
what a co-worker was doing. Don't use it if you don't like it.
It draws a box with a series of "tabs" long the top edge, like At Ease
in some respects. It could be used to provide a dialog with multiple
"panels" - like the Think Project Manager "Options" dialog which uses
a popup to switch panels, or many CommToolbox tools which use a list
of icons.
By default, there are 4 tabs per row with a maximum of 5 rows of tabs.
This can be changed to get between 2 and 8 tabs/row.
Clicking on a "tab" will change the control value. Your program can
then change the other controls on the panel - either by hiding/showing
controls or using ShortenDITL/AppendDITL calls.
To use this control, you have to play some games with the control
rect to keep it from overlaying other controls. Essentially, you
must set the control rect height to include ONLY the tab titles and
then specify the true height of the control in the contrlMin field.
In response to an update event, you will need to call DrawControls or
Draw1Control for this control.
UpdtControls WILL NOT WORK !!!!
CDEF details
See file jimsCDEF.h for #defines for variation codes and structs for private
data for Spinner & Popup menu CDEFs.
Variation codes & control size
(min h & w is minimum required height & width for the control rect
when using Chicago 12 font)
CDEF varCode min h & w Result
--------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------
GroupBox 0 16 x nn Draws a solid frame
1 Draws a dotted frame
2 3D effect on non-white backgrounds
4 an "inset box" effect on non-white backgrounds
8 Use the Window font for title
NOTE: To avoid problems with "layering" of this control over or
under the contents of a box, set the height of this control
to 16 or so, then put the height you REALLY want in the
contrlMax field of the CNTL template. The control rect
(used by the Dialog Manager) will not obstruct other controls.
However, when the control draws - it will use the height value
from the contrlMax field.
Uses cFrameColor & cTextColor from 'cctb'
PopUp Menu 19 x nn (see IM VI or Docs for Apple CDEF 63
19 x 25 for "triangle only" menu
1 use fixed width for menu
2 3D effect
4 use refCon for AddResMenu
8 Use the Window font for title & menu
NOTE: if the menu has styled text items, the height may need to be
greater than 19. It will need to be enlarged to if you have
icons on the menu - make the height equal icon height + 5.
Unlike the Apple CDEF 63, this control will:
- behave the same with System 6 & 7
- properly handle colored menus
There are several enhancements, see below.
Uses cTextColor for title and colors from 'mctb' for menu.
Spinner 0 18 x nn Small, as in "Date & Time" Control panel
1 25 x nn Large, as in "Memory" Control panel
2 3D arrows
4 Horizontal arrows
8 Use the Window font for drawing
NOTE: use 18 x 11 or 25 x 15 to get arrows only.
3D arrows are colored, as are system scroll bars, with
with cTingeLight & cTingeDark.
Date & Time 0 18 x 160 Date left, Time right justified
1 18 x 80 Date only, left justified
2 18 x 80 Time only, left justified
4 37 x 80 Both on 2 lines, date over time
8 Use the Window font for drawing
NOTE: non-standard date or time separator characters may
need a larger rect. Also, if a title is specified,
the width of the control will need to be increased.
Uses cFrameColor & cTextColor. 3D arrows colored
with cTingeLight & cTingeDark.
Tog Button 0 18 x nn Normal button title
1 * not used *
2 * not used *
4 * not used *
8 Use the Window font for title
Uses cFrameColor & cTextColor from 'cctb'
HSlider 0 24 x 121 As in the "Brightness" Control panel
1 Scale drawn in bg color (not filled)
2 Drawn with a 3D effect
4 Scale drawn in gray pattern
8 * not used *
Uses cFrameColor & cTextColor from 'cctb'
VSlider 0 105 x 42 As in the "Sound" Control panel
1 Scale drawn in bg color (not filled)
2 Drawn with a 3D effect
4 "Thumb" will not "snap" to tick mark
8 Scale is blank, no numbers, no marks
NOTE: ht is 12*divisions + 21 (see below)
Uses cFrameColor & cTextColor from 'cctb'
3D Buttons 0 any x any draws a push button
1 draws a checkbox
2 draws a radiobutton
4 draws a Tog Button control
8 Use the Window font for title
NOTE: This control should behave just like the standard CDEF 0 when
running in 1 bit (B&W) mode OR if the background is white. If
running on a non-white background, this CDEF will draw "3 D"
Uses cFrameColor & cTextColor from 'cctb'. Gray shading is a
gray that is intermediate to the background color & cFrameColor.
Progress Bar 0 any x any draws a horizontal progress bar
1 draws a vertical progress bar
2 draws a rounded, 3D progress bar
4 draws a "Barber Pole" progress bar
8 not used
NOTE: to get a "Barber Pole" variation to work, you need to call
it with a different value each time. Simply setting min=0
and max=1, then setting its value to 0, then 1, then 0 etc.
inside your loop operation will work.
'cctb' resource entries for cFillPat and cTingeLight are used
to color this control.
TabPanel 0 20 x nn tab label is Geneva 9, bold for active tab.
1 Use System font for tab label, underline
for active tab.
2 1 row of tabs, contrlMax columns.
4 not used
8 Use the Window font for tab label, bold
for active tab.
NOTE: To avoid problems with "layering" of this control over or
under the contents of a box, set the height of this control to
16 * rows, then put the height you REALLY want in the contrlMin
field of the CNTL template. The control rect (used by the
Dialog Manager) will not obstruct other controls. However,
when the control draws - it will use the height value from the
contrlMin field.
Uses cFrameColor & cTextColor from 'cctb'. Gray shading is a
gray that is intermediate to the background color & cFrameColor.
The default of 4 tabs per row can be changed via the LoWord of
the refCon to 2 - 8. See below.
Non-standard control refCon usage
Note: Several of these controls use the control refCon field. Strictly
speaking, the refCon should be left for the caller's use, not for
the CDEF. But… the Apple CDEF broke the rule and I blithely
followed along (sorry). Except for the DatTime CDEF, the refCon is
used only at the time the CDEF intializes, and its value is used
to produce non-default behavior or appearance.
If you need the refCon change the appropriate init() routine for
the CDEF.
PopUp Menu - use of refCon is identical to Apple's CDEF 63
- not used by control after initialization.
Spinner - refCon may be used to indicate an "increment" value. Also,
you can set both an increment and a DITL item (for an edit
text item to update). See below.
- the increment value is limited to 1-1000 and the DITL item
number must be 0-100.
- not used by control after initialization.
VSlider - refCon may be used to indicate the number of divisions
but will default to 7 divisions. Must be in the range
- not used by control after initialization.
DateTime - refCon is the "value" of the control. It is updated
by the control.
- ** USED ** by control after initialization - see below.
Tab Panel - LoWord of the refCon is "tabs per row" - from 2 to 8. If
outside this range, the default is 4 tabs per row.
- HiWord of the refCon is a "notch". If non-zero, there will
be a notch in the the right corner with no tab, if zero,
tabs will fill the entire width of the control. This value
must be between 0 and control width/2.
- not used by control after initialization.
Non-standard control template usage
The Macintosh Control Manager is pretty limited in its capability for numerous
control variants (just look at the popup menu CDEF!), allowing overlapping
controls or passing special data to the control.
I attempted to make it possible to initialize all of these controls via standard
'CNTL' templates or calls to NewControl() rather than requiring the calling
program to make additional calls or use special data structures. This approach
means the the meanings of some template values have been redefined as listed
GroupBox does not use min, value or refCon. max is used for the
true height of the control.
Rect should be 16 pixels high, just enough for the title.
PopUp Menu (see Inside Mac VI or other Docs for Apple CDEF 63)
procId : 1616 + varCode (101 * 16) + varCode
: varCodes
popupFixedWidth = 0x0001
ctl3D = 0x0002
popupUseAddResMenu = 0x0004
popupUseWFont = 0x0008
value : Title justification
: popupTitleLeftJust = 0x00000000
: popupTitleCenterJust = 0x00000001
: popupTitleRightJust = 0x000000FF
There are also several values for setting text
style for the popup title. See Inside Mac.
min : resId of menu to use, even if using
popupUseAddResMenu, it is best to have a
'dummy' menu resource with no items defined.
max : width of title item - from controlRect.left
: 0 = no title drawn.
The following are 7 "pseudo variation codes" that can
be added to the max field (title width).
popupNoMark : Don't use a checkmark on current item.
popupBlackSymbol: Always draw symbol in black.
popupInsetFrame : Draws an inset 3D popup frame.
popupSymbolOnly : Draw popup symbol for "type-in menus"
popupNoSymbol : Don't draw popup symbol at all.
popupCenterText : Don't draw popup symbol, don't expand
control width to that of the menu and
center item text in control rect.
popupIconOnly : Draw item Icon in a framed box.
: use of these means that the title width must be less
than 255 characters, but that seems to be a rather
reasonable restriction.
: popupNoMark, popupBlackSymbol and popupInsetFrame can
be combined with others, but combinations of the last
4 are undefined.
refCon : if varCode of popupUseAddResMenu, put the
ResType in the refCon field of the control.
Spinner standard use of min, max and value.
The control refCon field can be set to a long word
that indicates both the increment to use and a DITL
item to update (optional).
LOWORD = increment value (default increment is 1)
HIWORD = DITL item number for an editText item to
update with the control value.
Date & Time max - if non-zero, reverse 12/24 hour setting.
min - if non-zero, draw "3D" control.
contrlValue indicates highlighted digits
1 hours
2 minutes
7 month (7,8,9 match user order from Control Panel
8 day and may not have these meanings)
9 year
contrlRfCon is seconds as passed to GetDateTime(),
Secs2Date() and Date2Secs() calls. This is the "value"
that the control adjusts. Use GetCRefCon() to retrieve
the "date time" value and SetCRefCon() to set it.
HSlider min = 0, max = 100 - these are set by the control.
value returned will range from 0 to 100
VSlider refCon is used to indicate 'number of divisions' from
2-20. Default is 7 divisions with tick marks from 0-7.
min = 0
max = 12*"number of divisions"
The value returned will range from 0 to max.
The control "thumb" will "snap" to a tick mark.
This means that the value will always be 12*tick mark.
To avoid the "snap" behavior, use varCode 4.
3D Buttons standard use of all fields, but with an
additional variation code for "Tog" buttons.
Progress Bar standard use of all fields.
Control cannot be disabled.
Tab Panel min = true height of the control.
max = number of tabs
value = "active" tab. Title is bold.
title = one per tab, separated by CR (0x0d)
refCon = LoWord = tabs per row (2 - 8) - default of 4
HiWord = right margin - no tabs drawn in this area.
Rect should be set to #rows * 16 pixels, just enough for
all rows of tabs.
Control cannot be disabled.
Using custom controls in a dialog
To use custom controls in a dialog, it is important to understand the
interaction between the Dialog Manager, Control Manager and resource
definitions for dialogs.
Underlying all controls in a Macintosh window (dialog or other) is the Control
Manager. Fundamental to this is the Toolbox call to create a new control:
ControlHandle hCtl;
hCtl = NewControl(
theWindow, // the window the control belongs to
*theRect, // rectangle for control
title, // title for control
visible, // initially visible or not
initialValue, // control value
min, // minimum value
max, // maximum value
ctrlType, // 16*procID+variation code
refCon // user specified value
ctrlType is an important value and an understanding of its use if key to the
use of custom controls. The procID is the resource id of a code resource of
type 'CDEF'. Built into the Macintosh system are 'CDEF' resources of id 0 and
1 (and others). The 'CDEF' with procID=0 is used for push buttons, check boxes
and radio buttons - with variation codes of 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
So, to create buttons in a window, you could use NewControl and specify:
= 16*procID+variation code
Push Button : ctrlType = 16*0+0 = 0
Check Box : ctrlType = 16*0+1 = 1
Radio Button : ctrlType = 16*0+2 = 2
A special variation code of useWindFont (8) can be used with many controls to
change the font of the control.
So, to use a custom control, you simply specify a procID of something other
than 0. If you want to substitute a custom control (like the 3D Button CDEF)
for the default CDEF id=0, include a CDEF with id=0 in your application's
resource fork. This was done in the demo program (and in the xDEF.rsrc file).
Items in a dialog are specified in resource description files (.r files) using
a syntax unique to your resource compiler. A dialog resource is composed of a
'DLOG' resource and a corresponding 'DITL' resource. The 'DLOG' resource
defines the dialog itself, while the 'DITL' resource defines the item list for
the dialog. A typical item description in a 'DITL' source file might be:
resource 'DITL' (128) {
/* Control Rect, ctrlType, flag, title */
/* --------------------- ----------- --------- --------------- */
{249, 396, 269, 455}, Button { enabled, "OK" },
{249, 324, 269, 383}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" },
{52, 22, 68, 142}, CheckBox { enabled, "Check box" },
{76, 22, 92, 142}, RadioButton { enabled, "Radio button" }
For some standard controls (push buttons, radio buttons etc.), there are
special 'DITL' definitions, as shown above. The Dialog Manager reads the
information in the 'DITL' resource, fills in some default values and calls
NewControl(). (The 'enable' flag is not really a parameter to NewControl(),
but sets the contrlHilite field in the control record.)
This means that you don't have to fill in the entire parameter list for
NewControl() to have a control in a dialog - for the standard controls.
If you want to use the useWindFont variation code or a custom control in a
dialog, there is some extra work to do… You must define a special type of
'DITL' item, "Control" instead of "Button" etc. and then you must provide a
matching resource of type 'CNTL'. The Dialog Manager will recognize this type
of 'DITL' item and read the 'CNTL' resource to get some of the parameters it
will use in the call to NewControl().
The 'CNTL' resource contains fields for all of the parameters needed by
NewControl(). In the example below, the DITL is changed to add the useWindFont
variation to the items shown above, the resource description would look like:
resource 'DITL' (128) {
/* Control Rect, ctrlType, flag, 'CNTL' id */
/* --------------------- ----------- --------- --------------- */
{249, 396, 269, 455}, Control { enabled, 128 },
{249, 324, 269, 383}, Control { enabled, 129 },
{52, 22, 68, 142}, Control { enabled, 130 },
{72, 22, 88, 142}, Control { enabled, 131 }
/* Control Rect initValue visFlag max min ctrlType refCon Title */
resource 'CNTL' (128, purgeable) {
{52, 22, 68, 142}, 0, visible, 1, 0, 16*0+8, 0, "OK"
resource 'CNTL' (130, purgeable) {
{52, 22, 68, 142}, 0, visible, 1, 0, 16*0+8, 0, "Cancel"
resource 'CNTL' (130, purgeable) {
{52, 22, 68, 142}, 0, visible, 1, 0, 16*0+1+8, 0, "Check box"
resource 'CNTL' (131, purgeable) {
{72, 22, 88, 142}, 0, visible, 1, 0, 16*0+2+8, 0, "Radio button"
There are TWO rectangle definitions here - one in the 'DITL' and
one in the 'CNTL'. If they don't match, your custom control may
not draw, or it will flicker and seem to move when you first
show the dialog. Also, clicks in the DITL rect may not be
recognized by the Control when its rect is different.
Make sure the rects match.
If you use a resource editor instead of .r files & a resource compiler, you can
define the 'DITL' and matching 'CNTL' resources directly. Resorcerer does a
fine job at this. ResEdit is a bit more difficult to use.
ResEdit does not keep the 2 rectangles in sync, if you drag a 'DITL' item
around, the corresponding 'CNTL' is not updated.
To use ResEdit, open the 'DITL' window and define a new item of type "Control"
from the floating palette. Double click on the new item and fill in the
resource id and rectangle information. Move this window aside, but so that you
can still see the rect info.
Now, hold down the command+option keys and double click on the item in the
'DITL' window. This brings up the 'CNTL' window where you can fill in the
info for the 'CNTL' resource - fill in the "Bounds Rect" (top, left, bottom,
right) item to match the rect in the 'DITL' window.
Using custom controls in a normal window
In some ways, it is easier to use a control in a normal window than in a dialog.
BUT, you have to do mouseDown event processing since the Dialog Manager is not
doing it for you.
This is simple and identical to handling scroll bars or buttons in a window. Just
call FindControl to determine where & if the mouse was clicked in a control, then
call TrackControl. The code is nothing special, it looks like this:
mousePt = theEvent->where;
partCode = FindControl(mousePt, theDialog, &controlHdl);
if(partCode && controlHdl) {
TrackControl(cHdl, mousePt, (ProcPtr)myTrack);
The only special things about these controls have to do with the last parameter to
TrackControl - the actionProc. Normally, you can simply take the default
and pass nil as the last parameter. See demoWind.c for some examples.
Exceptions are:
Popup Menu
You must pass (ProcPtr)-1 to tell the CDEF to "autoTrack".
You may define an actionProc which will be called when the mouse is
clicked in an arrow. Unlike a scrollBar, the Spinner CDEF will update
its control value. So in your action proc, you can call GetCtlValue to
obtain the current control value and do something with it (like stuff it
in an edit text record or display it).
Sliders don't really need an actionProc, you can call TrackControl with
a nil actionProc and the slider will work just fine.
If you want to implement a "live" display of the value of a slider control,
you simply define an actionProc, but use SetCtlAction to tell the control
to call it as the "thumb" of the slider is being dragged. (You still need
to call TrackControl though, or the control will not respond to clicks
in the scale portion of the control).
In your actionProc, you can then call GetCtlValue to obtain the control
value and display it.
For the rest of the CDEFs, simply call TrackControl with a nil action proc
(unless you want to extract the control value and do something with it each
time the mouse is clicked in the control - then you must define an actionProc).
Colorizing Controls & Dialogs
The key to having a colored dialog is to include a 'dctb' (or 'actb' for Alerts)
with the same ID as the 'DLOG' or 'ALRT' resource.
For controls, there is a similar resource, a 'cctb'. Either create 'cctb'
resources for each 'CNTL' resource, or to color ALL controls in an application,
create a 'cctb' with ID=0.
For the controls that have a "3D" variant, make sure you define the
cTingeLight and cTingeDark colors in your 'cctb' or you won't get a nice
looking control.
See demoDialog.r for examples.
Changing the font in a Dialog
Before showing your dialog (but after creating it), simple calls to:
TextFont(geneva) and
will change the dialog font to Geneva 9. This WILL NOT WORK if you have an
edit text item in the dialog or if you forget to specify the useWindFont
variation for your controls.
The best way to change the font for an edit item is to use 'ictb' resources, but
these are a pain. Only Resorcerer does this well, Rez and ResEdit don't
support 'ictb' resources.
See demoDialog.c for a crude hack that seems to work.
Special PopUp menu notes
To start, the documentation in Inside Mac VI on the Apple popup menu CDEF
is wrong in one detail.
There is no support for "popupRightJust" as shown in figure xxx showing a
title to the right of the menu. Instead, titles are always shown to the
left, but can be left, center or right justified to the left of the menu.
This justification is done in a "title rect" that extends from the left
of the control rect for as many pixels as you specify for "title width"
in the controlMax field of the control template.
See the "Popup Menus" tab in the demoCDEF program to see how this works.
A goal in writing this CDEF was to duplicate the Apple CDEF 63, but with
one that would behave the same under System 6 and System 7 and correctly
work with colored menus or on a colored background. The demoCDEF program
has a dialog that shows both CDEFs side by side.
I came close to calling this CDEF "yapum" (Yet Another Popup Menu) since
many have posted similar code. I never found one that did exactly what
I wanted (duplicate the behavior of the standard Apple CDEF), so I wrote
this one. Thanks to the other writers of popup CDEFs, I learned things
from your code.
A major pain in writing this CDEF was insuring that the drawing of the
popup when "at rest" (which is done by the CDEF) - matched EXACTLY, the
drawing done by the Menu Manager when the menu is "popped up". Without
this, the menu appears jerky as things shift when you click in the control.
So, a goal in writing this popup CDEF was to duplicate the drawing done
by the standard MDEF as closely as possible.
I didn't get the drawing exactly the same in all cases. Some oddball font
and size combinations may be off by a pixel or two. Also, this control has
a slightly different manner of drawing the "popup symbol" and thus may be
a bit wider than the Apple CDEF 63 in a few cases. It does match exactly
for Chicago 12 fonts. I also deliberately centered the control title for
Iconic menus rather than the Apple approach of putting the title along the
top edge. IMHO, centered looks better - it is lined up with the menu item
As far as I know, you can use this CDEF with exactly the same parameters as
the Apple CDEF 63 and get the same results. (I even went as far as pasting
it into my System and trying out a few apps and CommTools - it worked in
most cases.)
I don't recommend doing this though - Standard File was pretty much useless.
There must be some special hooks in the Apple CDEF for the Folder/Disk/Desktop
popup in Standard file.
A minor difference is variation code 2 - this CDEF uses this for a 3D
embossed title while the System 6 CDEF uses 2 to mean "use Color QD" and
System 7 ignores it.
I have deliberately NOT implemented 1 "feature". This CDEF will not draw
command-keys. IMHO, popups should not have command key equivalents and
there is a conflict when drawing - the menu manager will draw the command
key equivalent where the popup must draw the "popup symbol". Apple's CDEF
shifts the command key to left, but then when the menu is popped up, they
shift to the right. I find this distracting.
Two oddities that I have noticed are :
1). Because of the AppendDITL calls (I think), menus with icons draw the
icons before drawing the popup frame. Apple's CDEF does this too, I suspect
that it is a GrafPort problem but haven't really investigated.
2). If you want an menu with Icons only, no text, you have to supply a space
as an item string or the standard MDEF ignores the menu.
The popup CDEF in this package has several enhancements to the Apple CDEF.
These extensions are NOT backward compatible with the Apple CDEF!
You can see all of these extensions in the demoCDEF program on the
"Popup Extensions" tab.
NOTE: earlier versions of this CDEF used a value of -1 in the contrlMax
field to indicate "popupSymbolOnly". THIS HAS BEEN CHANGED!
1). It will handle "dynamic" menus created via NewMenu() as long as you
call InsertMenu() to add the menu to the menu list.
2). Variation code 2 can be used for an embossed title as with the other
CDEFs in this package.
3). There are several additional variants, all created via "pseudo variation
codes" which can be combined with the control Max value - which is normally
used to specify the width of the title for a popup menu.
Header file jimsCDEF.h has definitions for theses extensions.
The first 3 are additive and can be combined with any other
"pseudo variation code".
1. No item marks (popupNoMark)
Calling program can use SetItemMark() to set a mark if needed.
One use of this would be to create a popup similar to the one
used in Standard file dialogs.
2. Black symbol (popupBlackSymbol)
Default behavior with colored menus is to draw the popup symbol
in the item text color. If you always want black symbols, add
this "variation code" to controlMax.
3. Inset 3D popup (popupInsetFrame)
While working on the demoCDEF program, I realized that 3D dialogs
(as used in the demo program) and popup menus look somewhat odd
together. The standard, drop-shadowed frame of a popup has the
effect of "raising" the popup above the plane of the 3D dialog.
So, I added another pseudo variation code to draw the popup menu
as an "inset box" - a 3D effect that has the result of placing
the popup below the plane of the dialog. This only works if the
dialog background color is non-white. This effect was lost if the
menu background color was white as well, so I chose to use the color
of the current grafPort as the background color for the menu (in the
case of the demo program, red=green=blue=0xCCCC).
Of course, when the menu is "popped", the standard MDEF takes over
drawing and the standard menu & drop shadow appear.
The following are NOT additive with each other. If added together,
the results are undefined.
4. "Symbol" only popups (popupSymbolOnly)
For "type in" popups often used for Font size selection in
conjunction with edit text items in dialogs. Additional code
is needed to implement this, see the demoCDEF program source.
5. Popups with no "Symbol" (popupNoSymbol)
No downward pointing triangle is drawn, as in the System 6
version of CDEF 63.
6. Popups with icons only (popupIconOnly)
This results in a "popup Icon button" effect since only a
framed icon (of any size or type) is drawn. Item text and
the popup symbol are not drawn.
Set the control rect to 5 pixels more than the largest icon.
7. Popups with centered text (popupCenterText)
This results in a "popup text button" effect since the menu
item text is drawn, centered in the control rect.
About "TogButtons"
In early November 1991, I ran across an article in the October 1991 "Apple
Direct" by Bruce Tognazzini - Apple's human interface guru. Each month Tog
would write a column dealing with HI issues. The article that caught my eye
back then was titled "Case Study: One or more Buttons".
I don't think that I can legally include Tog's article with this bit of code,
but you can find it on many of the Apple Developer CD's in the
Periodicals:Apple Direct:Apple Direct Oct '91:Tog folder.
It also is in his book "Tog on Interface" as chapter 36.
To summarize, Tog wrote about the design and usability testing of a new
interface element that he called "One or more Buttons" - essentially a control
that was part Checkbox and part Radio button. A group of Checkboxes can all be
"Off" and a group of Radio buttons can only have one "On" value. What was
needed was a group that MUST have ONE "On" control but could have many "On"
controls - a "One or more Button".
Tog's design for what I call "Tog Buttons" is a cross between a Radio button
and a Checkbox. The control is a diamond (a Checkbox rotated 90 degrees) with
a diamond shaped indicator (like the circular indicator in a Radio button).
The behavior is also a cross between the two other controls. If only one
control is ON, then clicking on it turns that control OFF and turns on an
adjacent control (just like a pair of radio buttons), if one or more of the
controls is ON, then others can be toggled (just like a checkbox).
Another twist on the behavior is that if only one control is ON, a click on
that control will turn if OFF, and turn on the one just above (or to the left
of) it. When the first (or last) control is reached, the direction reverses,
turning on the one just below (or to the right). Tog likened this behavior to
that of a drop of mercury when you press on it with a finger (but without the
The behavior is such that with a single ON button, clicking on just that
button, causes it to "jump" up (or leftward). If you keep chasing the single
ON button, it will keep "jumping" up until it must reverse direction and start
"jumping" down. Unless you are "chasing" a button like this, when only one
button is ON, the default behavior is to jump UP (or to the left). To see
this, try the cdefDemo program and you will see what I mean.
For some reason, this appealed to me as an interesting project and I spent a
fun afternoon implementing Tog's idea. I ended up creating a CDEF to implement
the control described by Tog and a couple of routines in C to support the
desired behavior of "Tog Buttons".
How to use a Tog Button in a dialog
Obviously, using a Tog Button is only needed if you have a situation that has a
group of items that requires "One or Many" values. An example might be a
search :
- Search -----------------
| |
| <•> C files (.c) |
| < > Include files (.h) |
| < > Resource files (.r) |
| |
The file cdefDemo.c shows how to use "Tog Buttons", but here is a brief list.
1. Include the files TogLib.c/TogLib.h in your project.
2. Define the group of "Tog Buttons" in your dialog resource.
3. DITL item numbers MUST be successively numbered for each group of "Tog
Buttons". This is IMPORTANT!
4. After calling GetNewDialog, but before calling ModalDialog, call
initTogButtons() for each group of "Tog Buttons".
5. When a "Tog Button" is clicked, call setTogButtons() for that group of "Tog
6. When a non-Tog Button control is clicked, do whatever is needed, then call
resetTogButtons() for each group of "Tog Buttons". This step simply insures
that the next click on a "Tog Button" will "go up".
7. Use regular calls to GetDItem() and GetCtlValue() to retrieve the control
values for "Tog Buttons".
The TogLib routines are the key to maintaining consistent behavior of the "Tog
Buttons". TogLib.h has a short description of each routine.
About Tab Panels
Tab panels are what I call dialogs that use the TabPanel CDEF in this package.
The CDEF is modeled after what I think is Microsoft's "Tabbed dialog" interface
design. I think that this is being used in the new Mac versions of Word &
Excel, but I haven't seen them yet.
It could be used as an alternative to the common Mac approach of multi-panel
dialogs that use a list of Icons to switch among several panels.
This is doubtless a controversial interface element - even more so on the Mac.
I don't condone it's use, I simply wanted to see if I could write a control
like this.
Think long and hard before you use this on the Mac - it may be rather foreign
to Mac users and will take some thought. One of the biggest difficulties is
"Where do the OK & Cancel buttons go?" and "What does a click on a tab mean?" -
should changes be applied immediately, or wait for an OK on the dialog?
If OK & Cancel are inside the "Tab" control, do you have to click on OK before
changing tabs? How do you exit the dialog? Do you then need a "Done" button".
Is a click on a tab the same as OK? and so on…
If the OK and Cancel buttons are outside the "Tab" control, then do you need an
"Apply" button that must be clicked or you loose changes if you switch panels
by clicking on a new tab? Or is a click on a tab is that an implied
acceptance of changes that will take effect when you click "OK"?
There is some subtle but important stuff here. Think about it!
Using the Tab Panel CDEF
You can specify from 1 to 40 tabs with this control (one would be silly and
40 is overkill). Tabs are presented with 4 per row by default, each tab is
1/4 of the width of the control. "Tabs per row" may be between 2 and 8.
If you specify a tab count that is not a multiple of "tabs per row", the
remaining tabs will be wider than the others so that the entire control width
is occupied. This looked better (IMHO) than having an empty space or a "dead"
The control max value indicates the total number of tabs.
The control title should contain a title for each tab, separated by a CR.
If you want to change the default number of tabs per row, put a value
from 2 to 8 in the LoWord of the refCon field.
If you want a "notch" on the right side with no tabs, put a "notch" value
in the HiWord of the refCon field.
The control rect height should be set to #rows * height of 1 tab. Then set
the REAL height for the entire panel in the contrlMin field of the control
** NOTE ** Be particularly careful to match up the DITL item rect and CNTL
rects - if these are not the same, you may end up with a "dead" row of tabs
that will not respond to a click.
The height of each row of tabs is calculated as : controlHeight/rows. 16 pixels
per row is a good size. So, if you need 2 rows of tabs, set the control rect
to be 32 high.
By default, this control will use a Geneva 9 font, with the "active" tab drawn
as Bold. If you use the useWindFont variation code of 8, it will use the current
font. A variation code of 1 will use the System font at all times, underlined
instead of bold (IMHO, this looks better than bold Chicago 12).
A variation code of 2 will force a single row of tabs, with as many tabs as
specified by controlMax, each as wide as controlWidth/# tabs.
If the background is not white, the control will draw as a "3D" control.
Please note that the control cannot be disabled, nor can a single tab be disabled.
If you have a situation where an entire panel should be disabled, disable each
of the controls on the panel.
Changing the controls as you switch from tab to tab can be done in several ways.
One is to use the AppendDITL and ShortenDITL found in System 7 - this is the
approach used in the demoCDEF program and in support routines found in
panelAssist.c. That file has 3 routines that might be handy - one to swap panels,
one to implement command+number keys as an alternative to clicking on a tab and
another to implement command+Tab or control+Tab to cycle through the tabs.
If you need to use the TabPanel CDEF with System 6, a series of MoveControl or
Hide/ShowControl calls would probably do the trick.
The files demoDialog.c and tabDemo.c show how to use a "Tab Panel".
File demoDialog.c has routines that preserve the settings of each
control on each panel.
File tabDemo.c is a "bare bones" example of how to work with the CDEF.
Briefly, to use the TabPanel CDEF:
1. Include the files panelAssist.c/panelAssist.h in your project.
2. Define a DLOG resource and DITL that contains just 3 controls "OK",
"Cancel" and the TabPanel control as items 1-3.
3. Set the contrlMax value to the number of tabs you want and provide
a title for each in the control title.
4. Define a 'DITL' resource for each tab. Number them successively,
starting with the previous DITL+1.
5. Study the code in demoDialog.c. That example places the OK & Cancel buttons
outside the panel and saves all control values to a temp area before switching
to another panel.
6. When Modal dialog informs your program that a Tab was clicked (itemHit is
equal to the tabPanel DITL item), do the following:
- get the value of the tab control.
- save the values of other controls on the current panel.
- call panelSwap with the new tab value to change panels.
(this uses CountDITL, ShortenDITL and AppendDITL)
- restore the values of the controls on the new panel.
7. If you want to use command+number keys to switch panels, call panelCmdKey()
from your dialog filter routine whenever a keyboard event occurs with the
command key down - obviously, this is only good for 10 or fewer tabs.
To use command+Tab or control+Tab to rotate through tab panels, call
panelCmdTab() when the control or command keys are pressed.
Revision History:
v1.3 November 1994
- first release with full source
- will compile under Think 6 or Think 7
- compiled without MacsBug names to decrease size.
- tightened up code in cdef3D, had some bogus code
that was not needed - sloppy copy 'n' paste.
- added to demoCDEF program to demonstrate use of
these CDEFs in a window as well as in a dialog
and to add a couple of simple TabPanel demos.
- GroupBox has a new variation 4, "insetBox" to draw
a simple box with the bottom/right edges in white
and top/left edges in a gray shade taken from
cFrameColor and GetGray().
------- - added new variation code, "horizArrows" to create
arrows that point left/right instead of up/down.
-------- - LoWord of refCon can specify from 2 to 8 tabs per
row. Default is 4 per row. HiWord of refCon is
used as a 'notch' in the right corner.
* NOTE * This is a change in the use of the refCon from
previous versions of this control.
Popup Menu
- Major enhancements to popup Menu CDEF
o Now should be completely "plug compatible" with
Apple's CDEF 63 - with one exception - it will
not draw command-key equivalents.
o Supports "dynamic" menus created via NewMenu() as
long as they have been inserted into the menu
list with InsertMenu()
o Supports ICONS, reduced ICONS, SICN's and cicn's
o Supports styled text titles.
o Added 7 enhancements over CDEF 63, all triggered
by adding a "pseudo variation code" to the title
width value in the controlMax field.
popupNoMark : Don't use a checkmark on current item.
popupBlackSymbol: Always draw symbol in black.
popupInsetFrame : Draws an inset popup frame.
popupSymbolOnly : Draw popup symbol for "type-in menus"
popupNoSymbol : Don't draw popup symbol at all.
popupCenterText : Don't draw popup symbol, don't expand
control width to that of the menu and
center item text in control rect.
popupIconOnly : Draw item Icon in a framed box.
o popupNoMark, popupBlackSymbol and popupInsetFrame can
be combined with others, but combinations of the last
4 are undefined.
v1.2 September 1994
- removed bogus UpdtDialog() call from demoCDEF.c - could
cause a crash and wasn't needed.
- minor fix to dimText.c.
- fixed multiple monitor color problems in CDEFs that
do not use offScreen drawing (3D Buttons, Popup,
Tab Panel, Progress Bars & Group Box).
- reworked some of the common routines for CDEFs in
source folder "CDEF Common".
- finally got around to checking the controls in a window
as opposed to a dialog. Lots of minor tweaks to make
things work correctly with FindControl & TrackControl.
Details follow.
- many enhancements to the demoCDEF program to show:
: disabled Group Boxes
: Fractional increment in Spinner controls
: "Live" display of control values for Sliders
: Reset of DateTime controls to current time.
: Linking of a Spinner control to Progress bar.
- the meaning of the refCon field has changed:
LOWORD is the increment value to use
HIWORD is the DITL item number to update
The refCon value is only checked when the control is first
initialized. The HIWORD is only honored if the controlOwner
is a dialog window.
- Spinner control has a new variation to get "3D" arrows.
Use varCode 2 for this. 3D arrows are colored as are
system scroll bars with cTingeLight & cTingeDark.
- Spinner control now behaves correctly with TrackControl.
Part codes returned are :
2 = decrease value
3 = increase value
- it is now possible to have a spinner control that adjusts
by a fractional value. This requires some special code in
your program (after all, the contrlValue field is a short).
See demoDialog.c for an example.
To do this, a struct is provided to let you store userData
in the control's internal contrlData field - which is used
by the control. See jimsCDEF.h for the struct.
Tab Panel
- Tab Panel improved to handle multiple rows of tabs.
It defaults to 4 tabs per row, with a maximum of 5
rows. Variation code 2 added to force a single row.
Variation code 1 will force System font.
- added panelCmdTab() to panelAssist.c to allow cmd-Tab or
cntl-Tab to cycle through the tabs.
- Slider controls now behave correctly with Find/Track Control
and will call an actionProc from SetCtlAction() if set.
Part codes returned are :
1 = "thumb" adjusted value
2 = value was decreased
3 = value was increased
- Slider controls : change in variation codes :
1 is now for "unfilled scale"
2 is now for "3D" effect
Date & Time
- DateTime control values were changed to indicate what
digits are currently highlighted. FindControl part codes
returned are:
2 - Hours
3 - Minutes
4 - AM/PM
5 - TimeUp (never as control value)
6 - TimeDown (never as control value)
7 - date 1 (per control panel)
8 - date 2
9 - date 3
10 - DateUp (never as control value)
11 - DateDown (never as control value)
- DateTime control now has 2 "pseudo variation codes":
: if control Max is non-zero, 24 hour time is forced.
: if control Min is non-zero, use 3D effect for arrows
& text as with the Spinner control.
Popup Menu
- Popup Menu control now recognizes variation 2 for 3D
effects as in Group Boxes, Sliders and Spinner control.
- as with Apple's CDEF 63, call TrackControl with the last
parameter set to -1 to use this control in a regular
Group Box
- now will disable and draw in gray.
v1.1 August 1994 - added Tab Panel CDEF to collection (see description
- all CDEFs use "embossed" text if used on a non-
white background.
- DateTime control now uses a title if supplied in
control template.
- PopUpMenu control draws color title per 'cctb'
rather than 'mctb' and will "emboss" as with others.
When the menu is "popped", the title colors are the
same as the inverted menu item, rather than 'cctb'.
colors. IMHO, this looks better.
- Fixed a PenSize problem with 3D Buttons in Alerts
with no 'actb' resource.
- slider controls corrected to use proper gray when
- slider controls now respond to clicks in the scale
portion of the control.
- variation 1 (was gray thumb) in slider controls now
draws a "3D" version of the control. Shadow color
is cTingeLight from 'cctb'.
- removed a MAJOR memory leak in the slider controls.
- Added a "barberpole" variation to the ProgressBar.
- completely rewrote demo program to use the TabPanel
v1.01 July 1994 - 3D Buttons now supports multi-line titles
- GroupBox uses Control Max instead of refCon for
true height of box (templates must be changed).
- both slider controls have a correction to tracking
logic when mouse is moved past end of slider. Now,
tracking will not resume until mouse is moved back
to the thumb.
v1.0 June 1994 - first distribution